1 . Prepare one tablespoon of cucumber juice. To get cucumber juice is very easy. You can just destroy one cucumber until smooth, then squeeze cucumbers solution using a clean cloth until the water no longer drips. Dispose of the waste, and use the juice as a mask mixture.
2 . Mix cucumber juice that has been prepared with a tablespoon of milk that does not contain the original pure sugar.
3 . Wash skin with soap first love; thoroughly, then dry with a soft towel but leave your skin still feels a little damp.
4 . Apply a mixture of milk and cucumber juice over the face. Avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. In order not to contaminate the hair , use a headband or hair curler before applying this mask. Allow the mask to dry.
5 . After the mask dries , you can start cleaning the mask by rinsing with water. Remember, ladies, do not need to use soap , use soap because too often can actually cause your skin becomes dry and damaged quickly . Simply rinse with clean water mask. It would be better if you rinse it with cold water .
You can apply this mask cucumber and milk 2-3 times per week . Using masks with natural ingredients will not cause side effects especially to cause irritation . Also try to always use skin care products that contain natural ingredients!
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