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Take the quiz: "Which Detective Conan Character Are You? (Jap Names)"

Ai Haibara / Shiho Miyano
WOW!!! I'm Ai Haibara, super senses,really smart,serious,awesome~
Ai Haibara / Shiho Miyano
WOW!!! I'm Ai Haibara, super senses,really smart,serious,awesome~
Rabu, 18 Desember 2013
Case Closed's Science Information
1 . Person dies , the body 's metabolism will be stopped . Although the room temperature rose she will not sweat .
2 . That burned corpse , his muscles will coagulate and shrink due to the searing temperatures .
3 . Operation bone marrow to treat leukemia may alter the patient's blood group be the same with donors
4 . Stimulation of contact lenses that are not good for itchy eyes due to hay fever .
5 . People who wear a pacemaker to help his heart work will avoid phone that emits radio waves
6 . People who sneeze acute back pain by releasing the breath of the mouth for fear of burdening the body
7 . Very hard blow to the head can drop a contact lens in the eye that is being used
8 . Never shave razor while bathing because the machine that turns on when it fell , would electrocute
9 . It takes at least half an hour so that the blood can dry
10 . Ran live with Kogoro when they split because Japanese law does require that the child lived with father
11 . People who wear glasses myopic eyes with minus will not fit squint to clarify vision.
12 . Heparin or anti thickening blood can be make half frozen and can be borrowed.
13 . Cats do not have the enzyme to break down lactose .
14 . How to detect lies through the eyeball : the longer he blinks, he lied .
15 . Luminol fluid blood which is very sensitive to even slight.
16 . Nails are part of the human body number 2 who could be the loudest and gear cutting tools after
17 . Potassium cyanide can kill only with a dose of 5 mg alone .
18 . After drinking alcohol , org will become dehydrated and dry their throats because the decomposition of alcohol.
19 . Data credibility needed to convince the court officer that a warrant can be made .
20 . Veterinarian to make sure what the dog is sick or not through state and odor in his ears .
21 . Safety on the gun type tokalev be installed when the trigger on tap slowly and stopped in the middle
22 . When seseorg not honoring agreements related to issues of civil law , then the sanctions must surrender all his property
23 . Habu sea snakes never intentionally bite humans because basically they will be docile snake
24 . The corpse could not leave fingerprints because the sweat was stopped after 30 minutes of time of death
25 . According to research Ai , APTX 4869 could increase cell multiplication as activating teromeaze
26 . Perforated lung who have stabbed the victim suffered a 15 -minute lead with an acute respiratory distress conditions
27 . Chalk has issued a heat when absorbing properties of water
28 . hoarding corpses in the ground can be faked death corpse because its decay time is relatively long
29 . Sudden death due to vigorous exercise can accelerate stiffness corpse . It could also cause death stand
30 . Lime can be used to accelerate the decomposition of a body
31 . Helping victims who were exposed to the neurotoxin give artificial respiration with the routine every 10 seconds
32 . When seseorg dead hanging himself , which is impossible when there is blood flowing from his mouth unless there is a specific injury
33 . When the lever mercury ball rolling and touching lines by shock , then the time bomb will explode
34 . Salt can be used to harden the snow and usually used to make ski runs
35 . Neutralize potassium cyanide can use bleach , but not 100 % gone toxic
36 . Cow's milk that herbivores have a nutritional value of milk and different with carnivorous cat
37 . If the blood sugar -lowering drugs taken by a guy who is healthy, then the person get blood sugar will drop dramatically & bs cause death
38 . Org who fainted with shock restored sun compress the head , chest and armpits and then sleep in the shade
39 . Torigabuto herbs can also be used if the poison was taken . Many grow in the mountains and very sweet flower shape
40 . Aconitin ( paralyzing nerve toxin ) captured dr torigabuto leaves and roots have a 2 milligram dose of death
41 . Acute bleeding brain membrane that is characterized with right hand paralyzed and bleeding in the head
42 . Isoproterenol is a drug that can cause fainting org , tp jg can be used as an asthma medication with dose when the true
43 . Tetrodoxin toxins ( TTX ) dr globe fish when inserted through the mouth is bs rescued , if tp does not pass the blood
44 . Clean the wound with tea that contains tannin is the best way to save a sea snake bite victim
45 . First aid sodium hydroxide poisoning victims who were cleaning the victim's mouth with a protein drink
46 . How to cope with the transfer fraud :
a. Do not panic alone .
b . Do not make hasty decisions .
c . Tell anyone. Because people will solve the problem objectively based on the words and explanations of others. Thus, you can understand the problem with a head cold .
For a closer view, read the Indonesian Language View. Sorry if the English is not that good :(
1. Orang meninggal, metabolisme tubuhnya akan terhenti. Walaupun suhu ruangan naik dia takkan berkeringat.
2. Mayat yg terbakar, otot tubuhnya akan menggumpal & menyusut akibat suhu yg panas.
3. Operasi sumsum tulang untuk mengobati leukemia dapat merubah golongan darah penderita menjadi sama dgn pendonor
4. Rangsangan lensa kontak tidak baik untuk mata yg gatal akibat alergi serbuk bunga.
5. Orang yg memakai alat pacu jantung untuk membantu kerja jantungnya akan menghindari ponsel yg memancarkan gelombang radio
6. Orang yg sakit pinggang akut bersin dengan cara mengeluarkan napas dari mulut karena takut membebani tubuh
7. Hantaman sangat keras di kepala dapat menjatuhkan lensa kontak yg sedang dipakai di mata
8. Jangan pernah bercukur sambil berendam karena mesin cukur yg menyala bila tercebur, akan menyetrum
9. Setidaknya butuh waktu setengah jam agar darah dapat mengering
10. Ran tinggal bersama Kogoro saat mereka pisah karena hukum Jepang memang mengharuskan anak tinggal dengan ayah
11. Orang bermata rabun yg memakai kacamata dgn minus tidak pas akan menyipitkan mata untuk memperjelas penglihatan
12. Heparin atau obat anti pengental dpt membuat darah jd setengah beku & dapat dibawa2
13. Kucing tidak punya enzim untuk mengurai laktosa.
14. Cara mendeteksi kebohongan lewat bola mata : semakin lama ia berkedip, berarti ia berbohong.
15. Cairan luminol sangat sensitif terhadap darah yg sedikit sekalipun
16. Kuku adalah bagian tubuh manusia nomor 2 yg paling keras dan bisa jadi alat potong setelah gigi
17. Kalium sianida bisa membunuh hanya dengan dosis 5 mg saja.
18. Setelah minum alkohol, org akan mengalami dehidrasi & tenggorokan mereka kering karna dekomposisi alkohol.
19. Data kredibilitas diperlukan untuk meyakinkan petugas pengadilan agar dapat dibuat surat penangkapan.
20. Dokter hewan memastikan apa anjing itu sakit atau tidak melalui keadaan dan bau di dalam telinganya.
21. Safety pada pistol jenis tokalev akan terpasang bila pemicu di tekan perlahan lalu berhenti di tengah tengah
22. Bila seseorg tidak menepati perjanjian hukum terkait masalah perdata, maka sanksinya harus menyerahkan seluruh hartanya
23. Ular laut habu tidak pernah sengaja menggigit manusia karena pada dasarnya ular tsb jinak
24. Mayat tidak bisa meninggalkan sidik jari karena keringat sudah berhenti setelah 30 menit waktu kematian
25. Menurut penelitian Ai, APTX 4869 dapat meningkatkan daya multiplikasi sel karena mengaktifkan teromeaze
26. Paru paru yg berlubang karena ditusuk mengakibatkan korban menderita 15 menit dgn kondisi sesak nafas akut
27. Kapur memiliki sifat mengeluarkan panas jika menyerap air
28. menimbun mayat di dalam tanah dapat memalsukan waktu kematian mayat karena pembusukannya relatif lama
29. Kematian mendadak akibat olahraga keras dapat mempercepat kekakuan mayat. Bisa juga menyebabkan mati berdiri
30. Kapur dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat pembusukan mayat
31. Menolong korban yg terkena racun syaraf adalah dgn memberi nafas buatan rutin tiap 10 detik
32. Bila seseorg mati gantung diri, mustahil bila terdapat darah yg mengalir dari mulutnya kecuali ada luka tertentu
33. Bila bola dalam tuas air raksa bergulir dan menyentuh garis akibat guncangan, maka bom waktu akan meledak
34. Garam dapat dipakai untuk mengeraskan salju dan biasa dipakai untuk membuat lintasan ski
35. Menetralisir kalium sianida dapat menggunakan pemutih, tapi tidak 100% hilang racunnya
36. Susu sapi yg herbivora memiliki nilai gizi yg beda dgn susu kucing yg karnivora
37. Jika obat penurun gula darah diminum oleh org yg sehat, maka gula darah org tsb akan turun drastis & bs menyebabkan kematian
38. Org yg pingsan terkena sengatan matahari dipulihkan dgn mengompres kepala, dada & ketiak lalu tidur di tempat teduh
39. Torigabuto juga bisa dijadikan jamu jika racunnya diambil. Banyak tumbuh di gunung & bentuk bunganya sangat manis
40. Aconitin (racun pelumpuh syaraf) yg diambil dr daun & akar torigabuto memiliki dosis kematian 2 miligram
41. Pendarahan selaput otak akut ditandai dgn tangan kanan yg lumpuh & pendarahan hebat di kepala
42. Isoproterenol adalah obat yg dapat menyebabkan org pingsan, tp jg bisa dipakai sbg obat asma bila dgn takaran yg benar
43. Racun Tetrodoxin (TTX) dr ikan gembung bila dimasukkan lewat mulut masih bs diselamatkan, tp tidak bila lewat darah
44. Membersihkan luka dgn teh yg mengandung tanin adalah cara terbaik menyelamatkan korban gigitan ular laut
45. Pertolongan pertama korban yg keracunan sodium hidroksida adalah membersihkan mulut korban dgn minuman berprotein
46. Cara mengatasi penipuan transfer :
a. Jangan panik sendirian.
b. Jangan membuat keputusan tergesa-gesa.
c. Ceritakanlah pada siapa saja. Karena orang akan menyelesaikan masalah secara objektif berdasarkan kata-kata dan penjelasan orang lain. Sehingga, Anda bisa memahami masalah dengan kepala dingin.
Case Closed,
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