Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

I Hate My Phone

Posted by Unknown at 04.52
Man, i hate my phone!! Today, the wurst!! When i just woke up..... i was slightly a little late, and when i checked my phone to set the alarm again for tomorrow, turns out, it was not even on!!!! Like my classmates always said, "CURSE YOU!!!" and yes, i said that to my own phone. :(((((

I was so mad, so i started slam my phone to the bed. And then, i took a bath and wore my red t-shirt, and prepared my bag for the lesson called PM(Pendalaman Materi). So, i carry my bag to the car and go to school.

I ate some rice during the drive, and it's really yummy. When we(me and dad) arrived at the school's gate, i stopped eating and got out of the car. Thank god, i wasn't late. I checked my phone again, and the server is all down!!!! Plus, the loading of so slow!!

When i end my day, i ignore my phone once again, and.... lots off new nontifications got out!! Wow, right that time, i was about to say 'curse you', but i holed on, because i'm not the type that's easy to get angry.

Yeah, I hate my phone, but i have to forget it. Because, i have to be grateful because dad brought that phone for me.... :)



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